Magic Touch (Sour IPA)
Magic Touch (Sour IPA)
Beer details:
Sour IPA made with DD4D BREWING secret recipe. The gentle sourness of lactic acid, the soft texture of lactose and oats create a mysterious and delicate texture. 3 types of hops (Idaho7, Sabro, Citra) provide a refreshing aroma of lemon, passion fruit, and grapefruit with a sweet aftertaste of coconut. One sip and you will fall in love with this beer like magic.
Alcohol content: 6.0%
IBUs: 30
Beer Style: Sour IPA
Expiration date: 2023/10/31
Contents: 350ml
Ingredients: Malt (manufactured overseas), oats, sugars, hops
Hop: Idaho7, Sabro, Citra
Malt: PILSEN, Wheat, Oat Flakes
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