Just Me and My Lemon Tree
Just Me and My Lemon Tree
Beer details:
A "single" big lemon tree in the garden of the DD4D brewer's house. It produced a lot of fruit this winter, so I used it for beer without hesitation. A slightly sweet and creamy double IPA that combines the refreshing aroma of yellow-green lemon with the aroma of citrus and coconut hops.
Alcohol content: 8.0%
IBUs: 10
Beer Style: Lemon Hazy Double IPA
Expiration date: May 20, 2023
Contents: 350ml
raw materials: malt, sugar, hops, lemon
Hop: Simcoe, Sabro, Citra, Cascade
Malt:PILSEN, Wheat, Oat Flakes, Golden Naked Oats
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