新作"Welcome, Hanamichi!"が登場!記念イベントも開催!

New work "Welcome, Hanamichi!" A commemorative event will also be held!

Released on February 23, 2023, “Welcome, Hanamichi!” is a special Hawaiian Fruites Ale made to commemorate the birth of the first child of DD4D head office manager Reya. .

We had an interview with Reiya who became a dad!

Welcome Hanamichi Beer Launch Commemorative Family Photo

What inspired you to make this beer?

The head brewer, Mike-san, approached me. Last year, I made a commemorative beer for the birth of Mike's third daughter, Emma, ​​"Welcome, Emma!", so he naturally approached me. Even though I'm not directly involved in brewing beer, I was very happy that a beer craftsman suggested it! I really like the culture of celebrating the members' celebrations with beer, so in the future I want to be able to give back to them as well.

”Welcome, Hanamichi!” Thoughts and points of commitment

Commitment to the taste of beer

Based on the taste of youth when I lived in Hawaii! In Hawaii, we use POG (passion fruit, orange, guava) juice that is loved by everyone from children to adults, so it has a natural sweetness and juiciness. The moment you smell the scent, you will remember the refreshing climate of Hawaii, and the drinkable taste will remind you of POG. It reminds me of drinking with my friends all the time.

why hawaii

Life in Hawaii was a time that made me learn my core value of "appreciate the people you meet and connect with them." I met a lot of people and had a lot of experiences, so I think it was a turning point in my life. It was through this fate that I met my wife, Kaho, and I named my child after her." I would like to share my memories of Hawaii with the people I met. This is a beer made with gratitude.

from now

For Hanamichi, I always want to be a cool father, and my roots were undoubtedly created in Hawaii, so I hope someday we can talk about it over a beer.

Be sure to try the beer filled with gratitude and feelings for Hanamichi!

[Event] The first child of the Sato family is born! Welcome Hanamichi! Event!!

2/25.sat 17:00-21:00 Cheers 17:00

(@ DD4D BREWING & CLOTHING STORE, 4-2-6 Senbune-cho, Matsuyama)

Father Leah is ready to drink and is waiting for you! I'm really looking forward to drinking "Welcome Hanamichi!!", a beer filled with gratitude and feelings for Hanamichi, with everyone!


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