Commentary on the new beer “MITSUHAMA PILSNER”

Hello, this is Shin from DD4D😀

Today, I will explain the new "MITSUHAMA PILSNER"!

What is the new work “MITSUHAMA PILSNER”?

"MITSUHAMA PILSNER" (Mitsuhama Pilsner!) Released on July 20th is a pilsner (lager) made with the image of summer beer in the port town "Mitsuhama" where the second factory DD4D FACTORY & CURIOSITIES is based. a kind of ).

When the second factory had just started operation, the members talked about what they could do for the community. Mitsuhama is famous for its fireworks display, which will be held for the 70th time this year. Let's make Mitsuhama Beer to liven up the area with a historical and traditional fireworks display! The story progressed little by little.

About half a year has passed since the idea was born. With the cooperation of local people, Mitsuhama Beer is finally complete! The label design was created by designer Mr. Nakamura (in charge of DD4D's logo and design) in the image of Mitsuhama fireworks.


The beer style is a pilsner with German malt and hops. You can also enjoy the floral and moderate bitterness of hops and the crispy aroma of barley. Feel the summer breeze while watching fireworks or take a walk. It's a must-have for such a scene!

On the day of the Mitsuhama Fireworks Festival...

The Mitsuhama Fireworks Festival will be held for the first time in three years on Saturday, August 6th. Actually, you can watch the fireworks directly from DD4D FACTORY & CURIOSITIES. Those who want to watch the fireworks slowly with a beer in hand! Let's have a nice night together! ! (Scheduled to be open from 11:00 to 23:00 on the day of the fireworks display)

A factory tour! !

On the day of the event, representative Yamanouchi will be visiting the factory! We will start accepting reservations soon. Enjoy the DD4D factory tour before the fireworks display😉

Click here to purchase


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