
Who is DD4D's brewmaster Mike? ?

Ehime craft beer brewery tourism

good morning! ! The heavy rain continues, but please be careful. Today's topic is "Who is DD4D's brewmaster Mike?" (Surprisingly, many people do not know)

Mike is originally from Philadelphia, USA. When he was young, he drank a wide variety of European beers and became interested in the world of beer. Surprisingly, I first came to Japan as an English teacher. She used to teach English in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

From there, I couldn't forget my passion for beer, and decided to train at a brewery in the United States. After several years of beer-making training at 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco and then Flying Fish Brewing in New Jersey, he co-founded Deck & Donohue with a partner in Paris. (It seems to be the biggest brewery in Paris at the moment)

After that, when his wife gave birth, he decided to move to Matsuyama City, where he had a connection. When talking with DD4D representative Yamanouchi, who happened to meet at a beer equipment exhibition in Tokyo, the topic of moving to Matsuyama came up. The representative also said , "Oh! I'm going to make a brewery in Matsuyama next year!" What a fateful meeting! !

Anyway, Mike loves alcohol. I drink not only beer but also wine every week. I often talk with Mike about Kaldi wines. Is it a monthly custom to LINE "What did you win in the 2,000 yen box?" LOL I'm so happy this time.

Currently, there are two daughters with smiles like angels. It's so cute, I can't get enough of it. This photo is too picturesque. smile

What Mike cherishes through making beer is that he wants many people to drink beer and be happy . I want various people to spend happy time with their friends in various situations. It is precisely because of this desire that we always strive to research with an inquisitive mind and continue to create new beers.

Mike is always cheerful and friendly. If you see it at the store, please say "Mike-san!" I'm sure you'll smile and answer "yes?" smile

Have a nice weekend 😀

Ehime craft beer tourism brewery brewery

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


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