愛媛 クラフトビール 観光 人気

good news! ! I finally got my beer brewing license! !

good morning!

I have happy news for you today.

Yesterday, I finally got my beer brewing license!

Congratulations! ! crackling crackling

Was it around January of this year?

When I was still at my previous job in Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture,

I remember receiving an email from a representative.

"Today, I was finally able to apply for a manufacturing license!"

I remember giving a normal reaction to a casual email back then.

However, it is difficult to apply for a license that I understand now.

The review period for a beer brewing license is about four to six months.

Purchase or rent land in advance for application,

I have to keep paying the rent.

There are dozens of application documents.

long-term sales plan, manufacturing plan,

Various documents such as past profit and loss statements,

Documents for equipment delivery (English), and more...

It took months to prepare the application,

Furthermore, the examination period is a long-term game of half a year.

As a result of his efforts, he finally obtained his license.

Moreover, it is not a low-malt beer license, but a beer production license.

The minimum production volume has increased tenfold from 6,000L to 60,000L.

(Representative, thank you very much for your hard work...)

Even if you just get a beer brewing license,

It takes so much effort.

From here, we will steadily proceed with the construction of the factory,

Scheduled to open in August-September.

I just imagined the state of the opening day today

It's like an adrenaline rush. smile

Even I am so excited,

Representatives of the founding members, Mike and Leah

I wonder what will happen...

(I'm looking forward to the day lol)

Anyway, I am thrilled that I was able to get my license.

And we will continue to cooperate toward the opening

I would like to proceed with the preparations.

Then nice to all of you

Hope it will be one day!

Have a good day!!

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


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