愛媛 クラフトビール 観光 人気

The perfect combination of jalapeno IPA and McDonald's pairing? ?

good morning!

It's been a hot and humid day...

Please be careful not to get heat stroke!

Today we are going to talk about pairing.

I was casually watching SNS last night

Found an interesting post!

In other words, jalapeno IPA and McDonald's (Ehime prefers McDonald's)

It means that the combination of is too high.

I was curious and chased a little more,

I received the following comments.

McDonald's french fries

It is written as the supreme pairing.

Who discovered this combination?

You may be a pairing genius.

For craft beer, which is an expensive and rare liquor

Cheap and popular McDonald's french fries.

A combination I never imagined.

If it's fried chicken or Asian food, you'll know if it's a jalapeno!

But when it comes with McDonald's French fries,

I got one....

Along with other pictures of chocolate summer ale

I received a comment like (wonderful!)

We are beer brewers,

It is essentially the provider of information.

However, now that we have become an information society with the changes of the times,

You may have more information.

It's not just beer, it's also in every service.

So we will continue to listen to our customers

I would like to encourage you to do your daily work.

Well, I'm off today, so I bought a jalapeno IPA at DD4D,

I'm going to McDonald's! lol Have a nice day everyone!

Ehime craft beer tourism popularity

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


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