愛媛 クラフトビール 観光 人気

I want to cherish the "customer's voice" found on Twitter

good morning!

A new week has begun!

How are you all feeling in the morning? ?

Today's story is "DD4D wants to value each and every customer."

I was browsing Twitter last night and came across this post:

When I saw this Tweet, I was very moved.

We are very happy that our customers want our products.

And when I directly asked the customer whether or not to sell it,

I received a reply. I am truly grateful.

Why haven't you sold it since then?

We reflected on the reflection and had a reflection meeting.

I used to work for an apparel company,

Representative Tadashi Yanai has never changed for decades

"The customer is the boss"

"It's your job to make one customer happy."

"Please focus all your energy on satisfying the customer in front of you."

And so on at the annual convention.

It was a word that I should have heard enough to get calluses in my ears,

It probably didn't work...

DD4D is a company that has just been established and there are still many aspects that are immature.

However, the representative Yamanouchi always values ​​"customers",

You can feel that they are running a business that puts the customer first.

"Taking care of each and every customer" means

It is important for DD4D to continue to grow and to continue to grow.

Through beer, we strive to satisfy each and every customer.

I would like to work hard every day.

So I'll do my best again this week! !

Have a wonderful week everyone!

The management philosophy of DD4D is

Ehime craft beer tourism popularity

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


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