クラフトビール 愛媛 DD4D 三津浜 醸造所 人気

Why does DD4D keep making new titles?

good morning!

Thank you for your hard work this week!

How are you planning to spend your weekend?

(I plan to go home today and drink it all up lol)

Today, I would like to talk about "Why DD4D keeps making new titles".

One of the things that surprised me when I joined the company was

DD4D is releasing new titles every week.

There are 52 weeks in a year, so DD4D after two years is

Isn't it brewing more than 100 types?

I was skeptical and looked at the data.

As I thought, it was the 110th type of beer I prepared on June 28th lol

Over 100 types of lineup for the past 2 years...

I don't think there are many breweries like this...

DD4D is a brewery with a 4.

The fourth beer I made was May 13, 2019, Jalapeno IPA.

The 14th beer I made was a coconut milk stout on August 12, 2019.

The 24th beer I made was November 17, 2019, an IPA.

The 34th beer I made was February 20, 2020, Titanium Lemon IPA.

The 104th beer I made was the recently released Peach Gose.

(Sorry, I got frustrated on the way...)

Did you have any memorable beers?

More than 150 kinds of this next year, more than 200 kinds in the year after next,

Over 600 types in 10 years, Over 5000 types in 100 years,

DD4D plans to make beer indefinitely.

The word "diversity" that the CEO always uses.

There is not just one type of beer, but an infinite number of styles.

personality, way of life, life.

There are endless styles as well.

If someone is worried about something,

I want to tell you that it's good to live like you.

If someone has given up on what they want to do,

I want to tell people to take a step forward without worrying about their surroundings.

DD4D wants to convey the courage to grab that free choice through beer.

That's why DD4D exists.

I would be happy if I could continue to contribute to everyone's happiness through beer.

Have a wonderful day today! !

(Click here for the current beer lineup)

Ehime craft beer tourism popularity

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


DD4D 5周年イベント情報
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