
Solving global problems through the Malt Waste Project

Upcycle Umi Sora Ehime

good morning! Today we are going to talk about food waste. You may think that a difficult topic has suddenly appeared, but it is a problem that we cannot turn a blind eye to in order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. It's a serious story from the morning, but please come along lol

Food loss refers to food that is discarded even though it can still be eaten . When thinking about a sustainable world, which is the theme of the SDGs , using limited food without waste has become a common issue around the world. So why is food loss a problem? One of the reasons is that food waste causes great damage to the environment.

When processing food waste, there are mainly methods of incineration or landfill disposal. Either method produces CO2 and methane, which contribute to global warming. This is a big problem. "Upcycled food" has been attracting attention recently to overcome such a situation. Upcycled foods are defined as foods that have a positive impact on the environment and are produced using raw materials that were not originally intended for human consumption” .

The malt dregs project that DD4D is about to tackle in the future falls under this upcycled food category. The malt waste that was originally supposed to be discarded is dried, crushed, and powdered. From there, we manufacture bread, udon, ramen, soba and other noodles, as well as sweets, and deliver them to our customers as foods with new value. It means reducing food waste and making it a value-added product.

In this day and age, when the words "sustainability" and "global warming" are thrown around more than ever before, each of us may have to face up to these issues. And when we think about what we can do as a company, what we can do is to make the world a better place through beer, as our CEO always says. It may be an exaggeration, but we work hard every day with an eye on the "world", not only each customer in front of us, but also the environment, the earth, and people around the world.

Thank you for staying with us until the end! It was a serious talk, but let's relax and do our best again today! !

Ehime Craft Beer Upcycled Super Food

Ehime craft beer brewery DD4D BREWING


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